MAREE CRAFT JAPAN Hinoki pierced earrings are now on sale!

Hinoki -ki is a traditional crafts with a long history in Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture. Products using cypress peculiar to this area are lightweight, breathable and durable. Mainly masquerade, accessories, baskets, vases, etc. are made.

Characteristics of cypress work

  • Characteristics of material: Cypress is useful, especially in traditional Japanese culture, because of its scent and antibacterial. Due to the characteristics of wood, it is easy to absorb moisture and provides a comfortable feeling of use.
  • Craftsmanship: Cypress work is made manually by skilled craftsmen. Traditional technologies are used in each process, especially a wooden type called "Kasabuta" is an essential tool that is indispensable for making shades.
  • design: It features a pattern and shape that reflects the beauty of nature, and has a simple but sophisticated beauty. Coloring and decorations are also applied, and individual works have their own charm.



MAREE CRAFT JAPAN is a cypress brand by Susan, a foreign craftsman who works on cypress in Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture. Susan moved from Australia to Japan
Our company, traditional craftsmen introduced in "Japanese Premium",Katsuki HisayoUnder the course, we are conducting activities to spread its charm while learning traditional techniques of cypress work.

Katsuki Hisayo


Susan, who is deeply involved in the Hakusan City Cypress Komi community and contributes to the survival of local traditional crafts. Her activity has led to a new generation of technologies, as the labor shortage has become a problem.

Susan's work reflects modern sensitivity while using traditional techniques. All earrings sold at this shop are handmade.

The cool pierced earrings of cypress and silver are perfect for gifts.

Cypress work silver piercing
